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Streaming Ticket
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出演は3月に配信、5月にはパッケージ盤を発売した13作目のアルバム「いいね!」がまだ記憶に新しいサニーデイ・サービスの曽我部恵一と、小袋成彬をプロデューサーに迎え5月20日に配信された「Love and Destroy」や、今年7月にもアルバム「告白」のリリースを控えるヤナセジロウによるソロプロジェクトbetcover!!の2組。
※途中から視聴した場合はその時点からライブ配信となり、生配信中は巻き戻しの再生はできませんが、配信終了後チケット購入者は3日間、アーカイヴでご覧いただけます(6月9日 23:59まで)。
※電子チケットは6月9日 20:00まで購入可能です。
info:KATA http://kata-gallery.net LIQUIDROOM 03-5464-0800
- The live streaming URL can only be watched through the Zaiko account used at the time of purchase.
- Even if the URL is shared and shared on SNS, the stream cannot be watched without your Zaiko account.
- Before purchasing a ticket, please read the terms and conditions carefully and ensure you have the recommended network environment and environment for watching online live streaming.
- Tickets cannot be canceled, changed, or refunded in any circumstances except the event is canceled.
- If you start watching from the middle of the stream, the live will be synchronized with the current time, and you cannot play it from the start. You will be able to watch from any point in the video archived video.
- The sound and video may not be synced due to network issues. If this happens, there is a possibility that the organizer will stop the stream and reset it. This would cause the stream to be down for a short time.
- The organizer does not take responsibility for any failures due to user network environment and audio-visual environment.
- Users will be in charge of the costs of network usage.
- Live streaming requires a high-speed network for the best results. Wi-Fi is highly recommended.
- All videos (including sounds) are protected by law, including copyright laws, and the rights belong to the event organizer. Regardless of whether it is for commercial use or private use, it is forbidden to photograph and record any stream. If it is reprinted without permission, you could face legal action.
- After the live stream, ticket purchasers can watch the archived video within a few hours.
- You may watch the archived video as often as you want during the archive period.
iOS 11.0 and later systems (latest version of Safari) Android OS 5.0 and later systems (latest version of Google Chrome)
For Windows 10 or higher/MacOS 10.9 or higher, please use one of the browsers (the latest version of Google Chrome, Safari, MS Edge, Firefox) for viewing.
Before purchasing a ticket, please check the above-recommended environment to watch live-streaming videos. Also, make sure there are no issues or damage to the (smartphone, tablet, or computer) and software that you are using. We cannot support other environments other than those recommended above.
Please try this sample stream
If you do not use Wi-Fi, Please make sure in advance that you have enough data to stream and that you will be within a service area for your provider.
If you use shared Wi-Fi, please turn off any devices you are not using before the stream starts.
If you are using your data provider (not Wi-Fi), please avoid places with crowds, underground areas, and locations surrounded by concrete.
To use this service smoothly, please purchase a ticket after confirming the above.
The event organizers do not take any responsibility for live-streaming failures caused by purchasers.
Please verify your connection speed
For the latest information on precautions, recommended equipment for viewing, and network communication environments, please check the Zaiko website.
Select ticket
KATA presents BLESS
Streaming Ticket